Production-Pattern Makers

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Apparelmark | Freelance Fashion Design & Apparel Development

Apparelmark | Freelance Fashion Design & Apparel Development

Cara Sumpton
  • Fashion Design
  • Fashion Development
  • Prototyping
  • Pattern work & Grading
  • Manufacturing & Product
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Belania Daley
  • Hand Knitting
  • Custom Tailored Designs
  • Flat Pattern Making
  • Flex PLM Tech Packs
  • Garment Construction
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Jess Crane Design LLC

Jess Crane Design LLC

Jess Crane
  • Technical Design
  • Consulting
  • Material Sourcing
  • Concept Design
  • Fashion Design
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Nadjea Fashion-House
  • Designer
  • Pattern Maker
  • Editor
  • Creative Director
  • Photographer
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Prototype Global

Prototype Global

Richard Gregory
  • Fashion Design
  • Product Development
  • Patternmaking
  • Sourcing
  • Manufacturing
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Steurer & Co.

Steurer & Co.

Melissa and Steve Steurer
  • Leather Accessories
  • Hand made Leather
  • Leather Design
  • Pattern Making
  • Sporting Good Design
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The Chicago Pattern Maker

The Chicago Pattern Maker

Xochil Herrera Scheer
  • Patternmaking
  • Prototypes
  • Technical Design
  • Consulting
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virtue + vice

virtue + vice

Melanie DiSalvo
  • product development
  • fabric sourcing
  • pattern making
  • manufacturing network
  • production management
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