About Me

inspiration from the uncommon and unappreciated.

At some point in every person's life, they experience a feeling of disconnect. Whether its from being an outsider in high school, moving to a new country without knowing the language, or even as simple as beginning a new job. The feeling of disconnect, of misplacement, is universal. And the chance to connect, to find someone else who relates to you, is the mantra behind repurposing and using vintage elements in my pieces.

Pieces from the past hold their own stories, connecting the wearer to a different time and place. When I create from the unwanted parts and pieces, I strive to tell a new story for the next wearer, putting a bit of myself into each item.

Maintaining the ethos of celebrating one's individuality at the forefront of my designs and the materials used, some pieces appear at an improvised pace, while others are created over a period of several months. I choose to reject the confines of what my style can be classified as, and this carries into my pieces themselves.

Whether you think of yourself as being drawn to sparkling rhinestones or raw crystals, beads of various shades or the simple minimalism of draped chains, I've created a space for complementary tastes and views.
