Nestled into the renowned National Arts Club in the beautiful Gramercy Park in New York City was an intricately collection presented by the infamous Jill Stuart during the height of the Fall/Winter 2018 collections at NYFW: The Shows. For her Fall collection Jill Stuart emphasized the celebration of female empowerment and liberation. With models playing specific characters in real life scenarios, Stuart’s Fall/Winter collection not only drew from the current Me Too & Times Up movements, but as well as the Chelsea Girls Movement in London.
The presentation of Jill Stuart’s fall/winter 2018 collection oozes elegance, class, sophistication. In each of the clubs rooms you could find models acting out different scenarios such as playing chess, sharing tarot card readings, drinking champagne while making a phone call, or enjoying tea and cookies while listening to another model playing the piano and singing just another room away. The setting couldn’t have been more tasteful and romantic with a collection of velvet and satin. Fitting perfectly into the color scheme of autumn, the collection featured heavily warm tones of deep orange, beige, gold, with pops of violet and light blues. The colors in the makeup only complimented this further. In my opinion the true essence of the autumn season was captured in this collection. On top of staple pieces featuring textures and floral designs, one stand out gown featured a deep orange tone covered in falling leaves. While the collection itself remained glamorous and playful, the dim lighting, soft tones, and soft music of the piano and singing model in the background only amplified the romantic mood of the evening.
Out of the many season I have covered New York Fashion Week it is always easy to pick out personal favorite shows you have attended. Among other Jill Stuart’s fall 2018 presentation ranks high on my list. Stepping into what could be described as a live action painting was an experience of its own. Not only was the collection beautifully executed, as to be expected when walking into a Jill Stuart Show, But the presentation as a whole was an unforgettable experience in itself. With autumn being my personal favorite season, Jill Stuart’s fall 2018 collection was enough to get my excitement high and my imagination running for the upcoming season.
- Cushnie Fall/Winter 2019: A Diverse and Empowering Collection - February 16, 2019
- Fashion Palette: Australian Talent Comes to NYFW S/S 2019 - November 19, 2018
- a_i_r Atelier Teams up with KLASSE14 for Show Stoping S/S 2019 Collection. - October 16, 2018
- Lanyu Returns to NYFW in Style for S/S 2019 - September 21, 2018
- Flowing through NYFW with TOME s/s 2019 - September 20, 2018