How to Drive Profit as a Fashion Designer: Insight from Boaz David with Human B

In Fashion Design, Fashion Features, Fashion Marketing by Melissa Shea

Recently we sat down with Boaz David, owner of Human B, a fashion-based consulting and production company located in New York City. Human B offers emerging fashion brands the tools they need to ensure their brand’s profitability. If you’re ready to take your fashion brand to the next level, Human B has what you’re looking for.

Boaz has been in the fashion industry for more than 20 years, and has seen more than his fair share of brands fail to turn a profit. Through decades of experience and research, he’s found that 2 out of every 10 fashion brands will fail. This statistic may seem daunting, but with the right guidance any brand can find their way to success.

It’s About More than a Good Idea

While watching lines come and go during his time in NY, Boaz realized that his skills were best suited for guiding emerging fashion brands. He points out that any creative industry is hard to break into, and these days it takes much more than a good idea for a fashion business to make a profit. He’s found that the best way to assist fashion startups is by getting to know their brand and their business model, and then helping find areas for growth and improvement. Production costs, feasibility, production specifics, target customers, and finding your niche audience are all essential building blocks for any fashion brand that has a shot at thriving.

Find a Solution For Your Customer

Like with any business, the fashion brands that see the highest profits are the ones that solve a problem for their customers. Boaz points out, “The customer has a problem. He or she needs to wear clothes. That is a fact. They are going to go out there and look for a solution for that problem. If you are able to offer them that solution that fits their lifestyle, what they are looking for, their price point, their aesthetics, the rest will work itself out.”

Can Your Fashion Business Turn a Profit?

Finding out if your fashion brand has what it takes to be both feasible and sustainable is as easy as setting up a feasibility consulting session with Human B. And as a special bonus for our readers, HumanB is offering 10% off all feasability consulting sessions when you use the code FASHIONMINGLE10 at checkout. Don’t wait until your savings have started to dwindle to find out if your brand is feasible. Schedule a consultation with Human B today.



Use code FASHIONMINGLE10 at checkout

About Melissa Shea

Melissa Shea is the co-founder of Fashion Mingle and has spent over 20 years in the creative industry fueled by a love of learning about the “next new thing”. Melissa has used her entrepreneurial passion and technology skills to develop an online platform for fashion professionals that will transform the future for local fashion communities.

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Melissa Shea

Melissa Shea is the co-founder of Fashion Mingle and has spent over 20 years in the creative industry fueled by a love of learning about the “next new thing”. Melissa has used her entrepreneurial passion and technology skills to develop an online platform for fashion professionals that will transform the future for local fashion communities.