Top 3 Summer Fashion Mistakes for Men

In Men's Style by Rebecca Gonzalez

We all want to look good and we all want our men to look good with us, right? Ladies, do not let your significant other go out to lunch, get the mail, or even walk the dog in these fashion no-no’s! Fashion expert Choo-Choo shows Dan Soder from Mansome how to avoid some of guys’ biggest fashion mistakes for summer.

  1. No tank tops. At the very least they are acceptable for the gym. (even that is iffy to me.)  Wear a lightweight cotton or linen/ blend button-down shirt instead to keep as cool as you’ll look. Collared polos and henley tees are a good casual alternative.
  2. Bulky cargo shorts are another fashion blunder. Try flat front chinos for a polished, clean look.
  3. Socks. Please lose the long tube socks (thankfully I don’t see too much of this). Wear some no-show socks to keep the heat off your feet. And please never wear socks with sandals!

So ladies, share this with the men in your life and take heed of this simple advice. Have them go out there in style!



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Rebecca Gonzalez