She’s Red Haute

She’s Red Haute: Getting to Know Fashion Influencer, Erin Leigh

In Fashion Features, Student Mingle by Sophia Mayfield

She’s Red Haute

Meet our Fashion Mingle member, Erin Leigh Whitcomb, the spunky creator of She’s Red Haute, a blog intended for empowering red heads and all women!

Erin decided to begin She’s Red Haute after witnessing a young redhead get bullied for her hair color. She wanted to give red heads and women in general, a place to feel safe and confident. Erin is a fashion influencer AND a full-time social media consultant, so she gets pretty busy. Each night she sets aside 15 minutes to pick out the perfect outfit for the next day, using Pinterest and Vogue for inspiration. She begins her day by checking in on her social media accounts and posting her OOTD photo. Erin works to network with people and brands throughout her day. She shared that building honest connections with her followers is her number one goal, along with building lasting relationships with brands who support those with ginger locks. Erin dreams to one day collaborate with a fashion brand to create a She’s Red Haute collection. (We’d buy it!) 

Advice on Pursuing and Planning

Her advice for someone that wants to pursue what she does is this: “First, don’t let your full-time job hinder you from starting a brand. Does it take a lot of energy to get everything rolling in the beginning? Yes. But eventually, the time evens out.  There are weeks when I can only allocate one hour a day to my blog. You’d be surprised how much of an impact you can make with one hour a day.”

Erin focused on writing out marketing plans and deadlines, for herself. She then identified who she wanted her target audience to be and ways in which she could impact them! Writing out lists and crossing off items, helped her to accomplish more tasks. Erin held a mindset in which she  believed “setting deadlines with smaller action items was just as important as setting long range action items”. 

Erin continues to move forward, making an impact on red heads everywhere with her brand.  She’s working on getting ready for NYFW SS21, virtually of course. 

To learn more about Erin and other Fashion Mingle Members, sign up for a free profile now! 


Check out some of her past looks, from New York Fashion Week, that we are loving! 

About Sophia Mayfield

Sophia is a junior at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville. She is studying Mass Communication and Applied Communication. Her dream is to move to a big city and work for a magazine. She has a passion for writing and all things Carrie Bradshaw!

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Sophia Mayfield

Sophia is a junior at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville. She is studying Mass Communication and Applied Communication. Her dream is to move to a big city and work for a magazine. She has a passion for writing and all things Carrie Bradshaw!