6 Surefire Ways to Make Your Fashion Brand Stand Out From the Crowd

In Fashion Features, Fashion Marketing Tips by Melissa Shea

The only surefire way to success in the fashion industry is creating a brand that stands out from the crowd. This requires some carefully calculated moves, otherwise you could end up getting noticed for all of the wrong reasons. Here are six ways that you can ensure your brand is standing out in the best way possible:

1. Be bold

While black is certainly chic, Vogue editor Anna Wintour has famously cautioned against head-to-toe black ensembles. Keep this in mind when creating a collection, and don’t be afraid to embrace bright colors and bold patterns. Take a quick look at any of the latest collections from top designers around the world and you’re sure to see patterns and colors being used to make strong statements and lasting impressions.

2. Know your customer

Knowing the customer is essential for any business, and in the fashion world this pressure is higher than anywhere else. Not only do you need to know what types of garments your target audience is willing to spend their money on, you also have to be in tune with their personal style which oftentimes changes faster than the seasons. Studying demographic data about your target audience is a great place to start, but don’t be afraid of doing additional research to find out what people in your target audience are wearing and buying.

3. Be social

There are more than 2 billion active social media users worldwide, and these numbers continue to climb each day. To ensure that you reach your audience, you’ll need to meet them on the platforms that they’re already using. 85% of top brands are now using Instagram to promote their brand, and fashion brands have a staggering 96% adoption rate. Not only can Instagram be a great way to get new eyes on your brand, it also offers you an inside look at the lives and taste of your customer.

4. Believe in your brand

Confidence is one thing that never goes out of style, so make sure to never waver in your belief of your brand. First impressions tend to last, and if you lack confidence when marketing your brand potential buyers have no reason to give you their time or money. You have to recognize what is special about your business, and keep this in the front of your mind at all times.

5. Embrace your competition

Speaking negatively about your competition doesn’t do your business any favors. In fact, doing so is often perceived as a lack of confidence in your own brand. Instead of trash talking your competition, get to know them and take mental note of what they’re doing well (and what you do better). Every business has its own unique path to success, and you can learn a lot from the journeys of the fashion brands that are most like your own. When possible, find ways to collaborate with your competition, as doing so is beneficial for both businesses.

6. Keep pushing yourself

When you take a close look at brands that have survived the test of time you’ll notice that none of them have rested on their laurels. In order to stay relevant and exciting, your brand must be constantly adapting with the times. With that being said, don’t lose sight of your original goals and the needs of your customer — be sure to grow with them and not away from them.

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About Melissa Shea

Melissa Shea is the co-founder of Fashion Mingle and has spent over 20 years in the creative industry fueled by a love of learning about the “next new thing”. Melissa has used her entrepreneurial passion and technology skills to develop an online platform for fashion professionals that will transform the future for local fashion communities.

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