
9 Reasons Why your PR Effort is Suffering

In Fashion Features, Fashion Marketing Tips, Marketing & Social Media by Gerilyn Hayes

If you’re reading this article, chances are that your PR efforts are yielding lackluster results. Knowing which factors of public relations are negatively impacting your business is half the battle. FAB Counsel’s Founder Mary Vallarta shares 9 reasons why your PR effort may be suffering.

  1. A Bad Pairing Will Doom Your Efforts – You must determine if a PR firm or publicist is a good match for your brand in the beginning stages of your efforts.
  2. Poor Preparation – It’s been said that victory loves preparation, but poor preparation could be one of the factors hurting your PR efforts.
  3. Misaligned Expectations – Transparent communication about client expectations must be a part of the first stage of the PR process.
  4. PR Strategies Garner Trust – In order for your business and the PR provider to create successful marketing efforts, a strategy must be created.
  5. Harmful Inflexibility – Businesses that except success need to be flexible with time, content creation, interviews about the business and various media outlets.
  6. Stay on Trend – As technology rapidly forges ahead, so must your PR efforts. Hire a firm that is willing to explore new, progressive PR techniques.
  7. Constant Contact is Essential  – Your PR team must have open lines of communication because the fashion and beauty industries embark upon trends and changes in the blink of an eye. All team members must be ready to respond in a timely manner, at a moment’s notice.
  8. Don’t Play the “Expert” – PR evolves constantly. Remaining open to new concepts presented by your PR team will help your business in the long run.
  9. Sync Up Your PR and Branding – PR efforts must seamlessly align with your business goals. If the PR strategy and your expectations are out of sync, changes will need to be made.

If you need to ramp up your PR efforts, you can get more information from Mary Vallarta by reading her full article 9 Reasons PR Isn’t Working For You on her blog. Vallarta is the founder of FAB Counsel and offers personalized consulting services for fashion industry professionals. She offers online courses and seminars to designers, buyers and other professionals that are eager to improve their businesses. Visit to learn more.

About Gerilyn Hayes

Gerilyn is a professional writer who edits and writes news stories for Fashion Mingle. Having studied fashion and consumer sciences at Texas State University, she seeks to educate readers about this evolutionary art form's historical and cultural impact. When she is not helping local businesses expand their social media presence and marketing efforts, Gerilyn spends time collecting Milan Kundera hardcovers and creating original artwork.

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Gerilyn is a professional writer who edits and writes news stories for Fashion Mingle. Having studied fashion and consumer sciences at Texas State University, she seeks to educate readers about this evolutionary art form's historical and cultural impact. When she is not helping local businesses expand their social media presence and marketing efforts, Gerilyn spends time collecting Milan Kundera hardcovers and creating original artwork.